Power of Visuals in SEO: Why Infographics are Important for SEO?

Why Visuals Gain More Attention

Visuals made very important role in our life. A visual worth a thousand words. The people remember what they see so much, more than what they hear. Visuals are easy to grasp, and they are extremely engaging to the people. people give their first priority to this visuals, not  the text. Today people like to follow the visual included text.


 Top 10 Importance of Visuals

  1. 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visuals.
  2. The brain processes visual information 60,000 faster than the text information.
  3. 40% of the people respond better to visual information rather than the text information.
  4. 46% of the people says a website design is the number one criterion for discerning a company’s credibility.
  5. Post with infographics grow traffic to an average of 12% is more than the post without infographic.
  6. post that include videos, attract 3 times more inbound links than plain text posts.
  7. 700 YouTube videos are shared, because of the visual videos.
  8. Social media get more interaction and attraction of visuals.
  9. viewers spend 100% more time on pages with visuals on them.
  10. Consumers who watch product image or video are 85% more likely to purchase that product.

visual-powerImportance of Visual Content

The CMO Council and Libris  polled senior marketers to find out visual assets are to their marketing strategies. See what they found, and how you can use visual content to maximize your own engagement.

  • Photography: 93% 

93% listed photography is critical. Try pictures of your product along with the images of your staff, your location, and events you host or attend.

  • Video: 88%

88% name video as critical. Ask your customers or social followers to share the video and image of the ways they use your product.

  • Illustrations: 69%

Only 15% of marketers see illustration as critical, but 54% see them as important. Ask your staff, friends, and family for help- you might be surprised who is a secret artist!

Learn more Power of Visuals in SEO: Why Infographics are Important for SEO?

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